
In natural space, discrete dimensions of reality never meet. They live side-by-side but are unaware and unaffected by each other. But in Bridgewater, the fractured veil between these realities creates a city of paradox.

On its surface, the towering spires of the prestigious University of Bridgewater, and the gleaming facade of the headquarters for Hephaestus, showcase the city’s commitment to knowledge. And, Truss Health reflects its compassionate heart through vital care for those often unseen.

But as you can access the city over a rustic bridge that crosses the Elm River, so can you pass through the tunnel underneath that holds the shadows that hide buried troubles.

There you might hear the stories whispered between citizens. Of government agents. Of classified research. Or an infestation of those from other-realms.

In Bridgewater, reality is layered, complex, and ever-shifting. It’s a city where time, possibilities, and probabilities are not separate chapters but a single, intricate tapestry. Because of this, the people of Bridgewater live on a precipice. One where the slightest nudge might send them into sinister worlds, or invite the others in.

Book 1: The Dark Matter
Book 2: The Mechanism of Collapse
Book 3: soon (relatively)